
26 12 2008

Araminta was a little more aware of Christmas this year.

Here she is Christmas Eve spending some quality time with the cat.

On Christmas morning, Jeff cooked pancakes.  Araminta was very happy to eat pancakes…

…until she tasted the fresh blueberries. Then she only wanted blueberries for breakfast.

After breakfast, we opened presents. First the Christmas stocking:

Bubble bath, because Araminta loves having baths.

Then we opened the presents under the tree:

She needed some help to get the presents open:

But there was success in the end:

There are lots of other photos, so I’ll break Chrstmas day into two parts. We really missed not being at home with family this year.

Merry Christmas 2008

25 12 2008


20 12 2008

My friend Kerin, is a fabulous scrapbooker, and she has been sending me supplies to encourage me to begin. I’m finding it a lot of fun and recently created some new pages for Araminta’s scrapbook

She loves looking at herself in the book.

Cherries in Ceres

18 12 2008

Recently we took a short break in Ceres. We stayed in a lovely cottage near Prince Alfred Hamlet – Rhodene Farm Cottages.

The Farm had some resident Peafowl which Araminta was fascinated by. She particularly liked imitating their call.


On Sunday we went cherry picking at Klondyke Cherry Farm.
We ended up picking 3kgs at a very reasonable price. We discovered that Araminta LOVES cherries!

There was cherry juice everywhere!

It was a loveey break though it was hotter than expected & when 40C was predicted we came home a day early.