A new dress

21 11 2008

Ruth has been learning to sew clothes. Recently one of her friends came over and showed her how to shirr fabric. This little dress was the result.

Araminta has developed a few hand signals to let us know what she wants. When she wants something, or to be picked up she flicks her fingers in and out with her palms facing upwards.

She really loves being outside.

I don’t have to work this weekend, so I’m hoping to sneak in a litttle sewing time.

8 Months and one week

29 05 2008

This is Araminta’s weekly photo – I didn’t technically take it on 8 months one week exactly, but I like it so much I want to include it.

This girl looks after her for me in the afternoon while I’m working. Araminta was a little bit fussy, so she put her onto her back and she was as happy as could be.

I thought you might like to see a picture of Araminta in the top that I embellished.

I’m very pleased with how it’s turned out.

I got Araminta weighed on Tuesday at the pharmacy – she’s now 7.19 kgs. She’s still lighter than the cat 🙂

8 Months old – weekly photo

26 05 2008

Araminta is becoming quite adept at standing up on her own now, I guess it won’t be long before she is walking. She’s growing up far to fast for my liking.

Here are her weekly photos for 8 months. I took her outside with me to get the clothes off the line. Since the ground was wet I put her in the washing basket. She thought this was great fun, so when we got inside I took a few pictures.

I decorated a shirt for her on Sunday. The fabric came from one of my online friends from Finland.

I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and I have plans for the left over cats – now I just need to find the time to put those plans into action.

Seven Months – and it’s cold outside

20 04 2008

Araminta is now seven months old, and she is seriously mobile. We are wanting to light the fire in our fireplace, but we need to investigate some ways to child-proof it first.

This week has been quite cold, for her weekly photo Araminta got to wear a hat and a jumper that Ruth made.

The hat is still a little bit too big.

On Saturday it was very cold and wet, so we dressed her very warmly in an outfit that Aunty Kerin sent. This outfit was hand-delivered by Kerin’s boss.

Unfortunately, I cut the feet off in the picture, so you can’t see the cute little bunny slippers that match it.

For those of you who haven’t heard; Ruth started a new job this week as a customer support agent for an internet start-up company. I’m able to work remotely (from home) so I can still watch and feed Araminta. The contract is until the end of July, but I’m hoping it will be renewed, so we will be able to save some money and get home to Australia for Christmas.

In the food stakes Araminta has now tried carrot (not so good), butternut pumpkin (not so keen), avocado (took that reasonably well much to Jeff’s disgust) and banana, which is a bit of a hit. I’m going to stew up another apple for her when all the banana’s are gone.

Both Jeff and I have had the flu in the last week. We tag teamed, so Jeff got well just as I got sick. I’ve still got a runny nose and a cough, but I’m feeling much better.

A belated weekly update – 6 months and two weeks

8 04 2008

It’s nearly time for her six months and three weeks update, but life has gotten away from us a little this week.

Araminta is now able to sit on her own if we put her in a sitting position. We can’t quite walk away and leave her though, as she has some trouble getting back down again – there’s been a few bumped heads, and they have all been on Ruth’s watch.

Here she is sitting up by herself.

And this is the progression downwards.

Finally, sitting time is over.

The jumper she is wearing was knitted by Ruth, it’s a little big, at the moment, but she’s so cute in it.

In other news Araminta had her first taste of solid food on Sunday. We stewed up and then pureed an apple for her. She was a bit reluctant at first, but is slowly coming around to the idea. At the moment we are just giving her tastes of food and not worrying too much about getting a full meal from it. I’ve got another apple to stew up and then we’ll move onto carrots next week.

Finally, here’s a picture of Araminta and Mummy, wearing the pink cardigan Ruth knitted and the fluffy bunny slippers from Kerin.

19 Week update

15 02 2008

Araminta is now starting to actively play with her toys. Unfortunately every time I try to get a picture of this she stops and poses for the camera.

We’ve had quite cold weather so we were able to dress her in this little top that Jeff chose for her.

It says ‘How cute am I?’ Yes, I’ve become one of those parents.

Unfortunately Araminta has been spitting up a lot lately and so that top lasted about half an hour (and yes, I had a bib on her after taking the picture), so I got to dress her for the first time in this little cardigan that I knitted for her.

Finally, photo evidence of why we need to get some cot bumpers.

We’ve started reading to Araminta this week and she is able to concentrate on short books, so that’s been lots of fun. She’s quite a happy little girl and we are enjoying her immensely.

17 Week update

1 02 2008

Araminta was 17 weeks old yesterday. Here’s her weekly picture:

Ready for sleep in her cot.

New activities this week are: holding on to her feet and also working out that if she rolls over more than once she can get places. I give you exhibit A.

I was chatting on the computer to Kerin when I looked down and saw this cheeky face grinning up at me.

Off the mat and across the floor. Guess we are going to have to baby-proof the house now.

I did some sewing yesterday and today and made these cute little bibs for Araminta.

I just need to get some velcro to keep them closed. I think I’ll be making a few more of these as gifts for pregnant friends.

Well it’s late and I’m tired so I’m off to bed.

14 Weeks

10 01 2008

We took Araminta to the clinic today to be weighed. She’s gaining weight slowly, and is now 5.85 kilos.

Here are her weekly pictures. I think this is a nice way to document her first year of life. Kerin and I were talking and she suggested some action shots.

I did a bit of sewing today and decorated two plain shirts that Araminta was given at the baby shower.

This one is completely finished, while this one still needs to be stitched down.

We are really enjoying the holidays and having time to just be at home with Araminta.

More pictures

8 01 2008

Araminta has spent more time on her stomach this week, and has really discovered squealing. It’s been quite cold over the last few days, so she got to wear some handmade goodies.

I made this hat a long time ago and it’s been sitting in a drawer waiting for a child to fill it. The jumpsuit came from Cousin Esther.

This littlecrocheted kimono came from one of Mummy’s blogging friends in the USA.

She looked very cute in it,

and wore it happily, until she puked her lunch all over it…

The amount of washing we are doing is amazing, what with her nappies, and the bibs and the 3 outfits she goes through a day, 90% of the stuff on the clothesline belongs to her.

Look what Mummy made

27 11 2007

I cross-stitched this little design onto a T-shirt for Araminta. I think it’s come out really well.

This postition lasted 5 minutes before she wanted to be picked up.

Here is a close-up of the shirt itself.

This was lots of fun to do. I can see more of these things happening, if I get some time…